A business savvy, live science and pharmaceuticals expert advises you
Communication planning
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg commercial management
EMA Marketing and product management
Drug market access, Price and reimbursement
Rare diseases and orphan drug
Marc Buchet has accumulated experience in International and Benelux Sales and Marketing Pharmaceuticals management including Rare Diseases and NGS-based precision medicine. Currently under full-time contract, Marc works also self-employed as a secondary occupation to advise you.
Marc built a strong network of key players in Europe, from KOL to payers and patient associations.
Marc won various professional marketing awards.
Marc knows how its decisions may impact the markets through his strong scientific background (molecular and cell biology) and sales experience in various medical/OTC fields. Innovator and strategic he solves the issues using Einstein’s quote “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"