Latest News
12 May 2024
A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature newborn remaining wide open is associated with broncho-pulmonary dysplasia a form of chronic lung disease.
In infants with moderate or severe Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) prolonged exposure to hsPDA is associated with BPD severity, PH-PVD, and increased parenchymal lung disease by MRI.
27 Feb 2024
UK and Netherlands researchers call for funding to investigate cancer treatments
Researchers from King’s College London and Erasmus MC in the Netherlands have called for further funding support in a recently published white paper to investigate the use of radioactive cancer-targeted drugs to improve cancer treatments.
22 Feb 2024
Wine and Health: the “French Paradox” is definitely dead
In a totally unexpected way, a study of unequalled magnitude was published on August 23, 2018 by the international journal The Lancet. The size of the population studied (28 million people from 195 countries), the skills mobilized (1,800 researchers in 127 countries) and the duration of the study (25 years) make the conclusions indisputable.